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Bail Bond License# 1485763
Immigration Bond License# 0485763
There is a lot of inaccurate information out there about bail bonds. These misconceptions are the result of the fact that no one really talks about the bail bond process unless they or someone close to them needs it. Television shows and movies are also to blame for painting the wrong picture about bail bond agents.
Below are seven common misconceptions about bail bonds you shouldn't believe.
1. Everyone Can Obtain Bail
Not everyone can obtain bail. The court reviews your case and criminal record to determine if you're eligible for it.
Some common reasons for bail denial include:
If you're unsure whether a family member qualifies for bail, consult a bail bond agent.
2. Bail Bond Agents Only Accept Cash Payments
This isn't true. Most bail bond agencies accept other forms of payment like checks and credit cards. Some agencies even structure the payment plan, allowing you to pay half of the premium up-front and the rest in installments. Therefore, don't hesitate to call a bail bonds agency even if you don't have cash in hand.
3. Bail Bond Agents Are Unprofessional
Some Hollywood movies portray bail bond agents as big, rough, unprofessional men with sunglasses and thick gold chains. This stereotype is wrong. Bail bondsmen are normal people who have undergone educational training, background testing, and certification to post bail bonds on behalf of clients.
Besides, bail bondsmen understand you come to them when you or your loved one is in a difficult situation. They'll not be rude or act unprofessionally to you.
4. Bond Offices Are Located in Dangerous Neighborhoods and Deal in Illegal Business
This is another stereotype you'll find in the movies. But in reality, bond offices are located just about anywhere, including on major streets across cities. There is nothing risky about entering these offices to get bail for a loved one.
Also, buying bail bonds isn't an illegal business. The bail bond industry is legitimate and 100% acknowledged by law as a means to get a person out of jail. Bail bond agencies work together with you, the jail, and the court in the entire process.
5. Bail Bond Agents Only Postpone Jail Term
Some people think there's no need to get a bail bond because you'll still serve a jail term if you're found guilty later. But you can't be certain you'll be found guilty. With a good defense team, you may be able to escape jail completely.
But even if you're found guilty, getting a bail bond still makes sense as it allows you to handle critical personal issues before you begin your sentence. Perhaps you need to sort out some business documentation so your family can run your business while you're in jail. Or maybe you want to spend a few more days with your kids.
6. Bail Bond Agents Help Criminals Get Back on the Streets
Within the law, you're innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, a bail bond agent helps you remain free until you can resolve your case with the courts. Also, it's important to note that bail bond agents don't set any bail terms. The court decides someone is eligible to post bail and then sets the bail amount. The work of bail bond agents is to assist you in paying the bail amount.
7. You Can Ignore Bail Terms
Usually, the court sets various conditions that you must follow during the bail period. Ignoring or violating these conditions can have serious consequences. For example, if you fail to attend court hearings, the court may order the bail bond agency to find and arrest you. Depending on the time you're away, you may also lose the collateral you used when posting bail.
Whether you're looking to learn more about bail bonds or need help posting bail, contact Albert Ramirez Bail Bonds today. We have been in the bail bond business for over 40 years, so you can rely on us for fast, dependable, and trustworthy services.
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1230 M Street Fresno, CA 93721
Bail Bond License# 1485763
Immigration Bond License# 0485763
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